About GoLi –
The Moving Theatre

*GoLi – The Moving Theatre is a travelling theatre that’s going to be touring Singapore, popping up right at your doorstep! She will be a spectacle wherever she goes, activating the space she inhabits, transforming it into an iconic and vibrant place for arts and culture. The basketball court in a neighbourhood will become a drama theatre, the park will be an arts carnival. She will draw in crowds from all over Singapore, the region and the world to participate in cultural activities that not only entertain, but also engage and stimulate audiences creatively, and providing a platform for dialogues over issues and for different voices to be heard.

*Goli is also the name of a traditional game popular in Singapore, a shared activity and memory of many Singaporeans. With simple props - a set of goli (marbles) and a shallow hole in the ground, a game starts. A game is spontaneous, right in front of homes, with neighbours and friends.

“I have always believed that Theatre should reach out to the people. Theatre in Community deals with difficult issues in an imaginative way that engages with people, while upholding its aesthetic and artistic value. The wisdom of the people, their faces and souls are what’s behind the theatre we make.”
Kok Heng Leun
Artistic Director, Drama Box

A project by

Drama Box

Co-conceptualised with

Atelier Watt

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