
Drama Box and the Social Theatre of Singapore: Cultural Intervention and Artistic Autonomy, 1990-2006

Published 13 years ago in Chinese, Drama Box and the Social Theatre of Singapore: Cultural Intervention and Artistic Autonomy 1990-2006 by Ng How Wee has been updated, edited and translated to English for a wider readership.

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Changing Places: Drama Box and the Politics of Space

This book examines how Drama Box negotiates the changing dynamics of space and place to produce art that is responsive to people’s needs and reflective of socio-political issues.

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Drama Box 30 Keywords

Drama Box 30 Keywords illustrates the history of Drama Box through keywords. The intention is to understand Drama Box and Singapore theatre and society in a more focused way based on these themes.

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SCENES: A hundred years of Singapore Chinese Language Theatre 1913 – 2013

Chinese language theatre in Singapore has gone through a century of ups and downs.

It was borne out of a mission to inspire public discourse and to aid disaster relief in the beginning of the 20th century, and developed in the post-war era of multivariate aesthetic and political currents. Singapore Chinese language theatre has played a part in the construction of national consciousness; it has concerned itself with the underclass, while constantly reinventing, reintegrating, and professionalising ...

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Drama Box and the Social Theatre of Singapore – Cultural Intervention and Artistic Autonomy

As one of the most prolific theatre groups in Singapore, Drama Box has produced many socially engaging and thought-provoking works, including community plays that attempt to represent the voices of marginalised communities.

Using a wide-range of critical first-hand materials, supported by in-depth analysis of the theatre group's repertoire from 1991 to 2006 and national arts policies, the book investigates how theatre practitioners in Singapore negotiate for artistic autonomy and practise cultural intervention in a society where state power is omnipresent ...

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SCENES: An Anthology of Contemporary Singapore Chinese Language Plays (Part 1)

This book is published in line with Huayi – Chinese Festival of Arts 2010: SCENES co-produced by Drama Box and Esplanade.

No play works independently from the context of that era, and no play is unrelated to our history.

We have gathered here at the scene, to observe the surroundings and to look back at our history. We hope the readers will become aware of the subjectivity and diversity of Mandarin plays from the 18 scripts we have selected in the book, and thus begin to reflect upon the rich heritage's significance and value ...

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SCENES: An Anthology of Contemporary Singapore Chinese Language Plays (Part 2)

This book is published in line with Huayi – Chinese Festival of Arts 2010: SCENES co-produced by Drama Box and Esplanade.

No play works independently from the context of that era, and no play is unrelated to our history.

We have gathered here at the scene, to observe the surroundings and to look back at our history. We hope the readers will become aware of the subjectivity and diversity of Mandarin plays from the 18 scripts we have selected in the book, and thus begin to reflect upon the rich heritage's significance and value ...

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Drama Happens in the Classroom

Since 2007, a new Chinese Modular Curriculum Structure was implemented. In this new curriculum, a school-based module was designed to allow schools to come up with their own teaching materials, methods and assessments while taking into account the special characteristics of their students.

With the introduction of this new curriculum, two teachers from Blangah Rise Primary School, together with Singapore's Ministry of Education Curriculum Planner and Special-grade teacher, as well as Drama Box's Artistic Director, created a new practice ...

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Drama Box 1992-2002

We ask ourselves the reason why we publish this collection of Drama Box's past works. What exactly needs to be documented?

After 10 years, Drama Box still believes in local creations, and thus our productions have always strived to gather the creators in the local mandarin theatre industry. While most people are familiar and used to the realistic performing style, this collection serves as a reminder to all of us of the other possibilities. From the early works Another Tribe which was topic-centred, to the epic Hazy Love 97 and the new form of martial arts performance Leng-Geh-Mng to the recent Beautiful Day performed in the prose style ...

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